Schimbă limba în Română

Participation in projects

Participation in projects
  1. The project “Development of the entrepreneurial skills of the doctoral and postdoctoral students – key to success in career (A-Success) ”, co-financed from the European Social Fund through Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 6 – Education and skills, Contract number: 51675 / 09.07.2019, MySMIS Code: 125125

Project value: 6,960,553.38 lei, of which 6,863,240.36 lei (equivalent to 98.21% of the total eligible value approved) non-refundable value of the U.E.

Duration of the project: 18 months, between 10.07.2019 – 09.01.2021

  1. The project “Integrated National Plan in the field of Energy and Climate Change 2021-2030”, launched by the Ministry of Energy on 7.07.2018, end date 31.12.2019.
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